Researchers at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust are carrying out research to investigate how patients with MPN and also CML respond to vaccination against Covid-19.
They would like to recruit patients with a known MPN – who have either not yet received a second dose OR are less than 6 weeks from second dose.
To be eligible patients should ideally be registered at Guy’s Hospital, London and participation would involve attending Guy’s Hospital for additional blood tests, at a number of time points after vaccination.
If you would be interested in participating in this study or would like further information please contact the below email address:
You may like to include the following details in the email:
Full name:
Haematological Diagnosis:
Current treatment:
Primary treating hospital/centre [e.g. Guy’s Hospital, London):
Type of vaccine (Pfizer/Astra-Zeneca/Moderna):
Vaccination date(s): [Dose 1 DD/MM/YYYY] [Dose 2 DD/MM/YYYY]
History of COVID-19 : yes/no
Contact details:
Mobile number:
Email ID (if you would be happy for us to contact you by email):
Please note this email address is not regularly monitored and should not be used for any clinical queries.