GSTT Study | Stages – Sign Up Links & Support

The First stage | A small cohort of patients will receive access to the app and be sent a wearable device.  They will input their daily health data which are referred to as ‘patient reported outcomes’ and wear the watch, the data will be used in the study.

Data Privacy: Rest assured, your data will be handled with the utmost care by Sanius Health, on behalf of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.

Next Steps: To confirm your Interest in the MPN research study, for more details, please register interest here.

If you have already filled out a form, please reach out to us at and we can let you know what form you are missing.

The Second stage | A larger cohort of patients will receive access to the app where they will input their patient reported outcomes (PROs), this data will be used in the wider study.  These patients will not require wearables.  Please register here.

The Third stage | A light version of the app will become available to patients in the UK.  No data will be collected from this cohort or patients. Please register here.  RELEASE DATE TO BE ADVISED

The Fourth stage | The light version of the app will be available to patient globally.  Please register here.  RELEASE DATE TO BE ADVISED

For more information or support, reach out to