26 April 2014
Giovanni was one of the many supporters who contacted the MPN Voice Fundraising Team to apply for one of our guaranteed London Marathon places. Unfortunately he wasn’t successful, but that wasn’t going to stop him, he applied through MPN Voice’s affiliated Charity, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity, for one of their places, requesting that his fundraising was in aid of MPN Voice.
Giovanni tells us: MPN Voice have, and continue to, provide a great support network for my wife that would otherwise not be available if not for the dedication and commitment of the doctors and administrators at Guy’s & St Thomas’. I was delighted to be able to show my appreciation for their work through this fundraising event. My training was so-so, with a bit of lower back pain so I mixed things up with yoga every other day. I also purchased new running shoes and a sports watch to give me something to look forward to when out training – clearly not the tonic I was hoping for!
A massive THANK YOU to John and Giovanni who raised over £7,000 along with the invaluable benefit of raising additional awareness of MPNs.