MPN COVID-19 Vaccination Survey – results

We would like to thank everyone who completed the MPN COVID-19 vaccination survey in March. The survey was conducted by the teams at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital to assess the various aspects regarding COVID vaccines in people with MPNs, including their opinions and experiences regarding vaccination which is of major interest to aid future…

COVID Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine and risk of blood clots

The MPN Voice medical advisory committee wants to share with our community the following: Thrombosis associated with low platelets is an exceedingly rare event in patients receiving the Oxford-AZ COVID vaccine and causal relationship remains unclear. There are no confirmed reports of any specific platelet or thrombosis problems in MPN patients relating to the COVID…

COVID vaccines and risk of blood clots

After a careful review of the data, UK and International regulatory agencies confirmed yesterday (18.3.21) that the risk of blood clots after COVID vaccination is no greater than that seen in the general population at large. We encourage all MPN patients to get vaccinated and to continue their medications around the time of vaccination. There…

COVID-19 Vaccine for people with MPNs

COVID-19 Vaccine for people with MPNs (updated 11th Jan 2021) Having an MPN and any MPN treatment is not a contraindication to receiving the vaccine. Patients with MPN are in group 4, or higher priority if older.  For information regarding prioritisation of vaccination use this link. If you are taking an anticoagulant, e.g., warfarin, rivaroxaban,…


We are extremely excited to announce the launch of our newly designed MPN Voice website on December 4th, 2020. Our previous website, developed in 2014, was done so using a Content Management System (web development software package) that rather frustratingly is to be phased out in February 2021. We have embraced this challenge and taking…

Virtual patients’ forum from London Sat 1st August

This MPN Voice patients’ forum is hosted by the Guy’s team and will feature updates on both COVID and MPN research, as well as tips as we move forward.  We have colleagues from Scotland, Ireland and Wales joining us to reflect regional differences across the UK.   You are required to register for this online forum.…

Forums postponed

Due to the current situation regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) we have decided to postpone the forums in Chippenham, Oxford and Galway, we hope to rearrange them later this year.  At the present time the forum in Chester on Fri 25th September is still going ahead.