Juliet B

Juliet B, 67 years old. My MPN was diagnosed in 2020 through the results of blood tests. My GP had seen that my platelet levels were very high, and combined with my fatigue, he decided he would request further investigation and referral to a haematologist. I was relieved when my MPN (ET) was diagnosed, and…

Joan S

Joan S aged 79 In 2018 my GP informed me that I had persistent anaemia. She suspected that I had a slow internal bleed and referred me to a gastroenterologist. He suggested that I be referred to haematology where I was diagnosed with MPN (ET) and underwent a bone marrow biopsy. I was quite sanguine…

Jillian D

Jillian D aged 59 I was diagnosed at an appointment following a minor operation.  The follow-up team told me they had written to my GP three times about their concerns for my blood test results.  I was referred to a haematologist who diagnosed PV. To be honest, I was floored when I found out I…

Frances D

Frances D, 85 years old. I was diagnosed with essential thrombocythaemia (ET) in March 2018, after moving to a new GP who spotted my high platelets, and referred me to haematology where ET was diagnosed and confirmed by a bone marrow biopsy. I felt well physically, and the diagnosis I received, along with the information…

Dorothy B

Dorothy B, aged 75 “We can deal with this.” I was diagnosed with PV in early July 2020 and although I was a bit shocked at the news, I was assured by my specialist: “We can deal with this.” Prior to my diagnosis, during a weekend at the end of May, I had been feeling…

Colin S

Colin S – aged 67 In 2003 a routine military blood test indicated a haematocrit over 50 which led to an appointment with a haematology consultant for investigation. The initial thoughts were Haemachromatosis and I also had Rosacea. However, after a year of inconclusive analysis I visited my GP practice to ask for a second…

Charlie C

Charlie C 26 years old I have Essential Thrombocythaemia (ET), which was officially diagnosed in December 2020, one month after I presented with symptoms. Being a doctor myself has made this a very strange and surreal experience; having medical knowledge has been mostly helpful, but it has also made things difficult at times.  In November…

Brenda F

Brenda F – aged 68 My MPN was discovered through a bone marrow check, as my white cells had been increasing. I was shocked when I was first diagnosed, but I am fortunate to have the help of a great team at Guy’s hospital. In terms of the challenges of living with an MPN, I…