MPN Voice Recipe Book

MPN Voice provides support to patients and their families across the world who have been diagnosed with rare blood cancers called Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. The chronic nature of these diseases mean that it is very important for those affected to maintain a healthy lifestyle and look after their general wellbeing. Nutrition plays a key role and…


VivL aged 69 Despite months of severe headaches which I went to my GP about, nothing was done until I had a transient ischaemic attack accompanied with numbness and tingling  in my right arm and face.   I was 39, very fit, played squash 2 or 3 times a week, swam every morning and walked the…

Uschi K-R

Uschi K-R aged 69 I was born in Germany but have been living in the UK for the last 45 years, where I raised my family and worked as a teacher of Modern Foreign Languages. In 2013, after a routine blood test with my GP, I was told that I had a slightly elevated haematocrit…