In Conversation With … Sarah Connolly, Candidate ANP Haematology, University Hospital Galway

In Conversation With … Sarah Connolly, Candidate ANP Haematology, University Hospital Galway.  This conversation took place at the MPN Voice Patients’ Forum in Galway, held on Sat 24 June 2023.  Sarah spoke about taking up her position in January this year as the Candidate Advanced Nurse Practitioner in the haematology department in Galway Hospital, and…

Q&A with… Claire Woodley

The month of May featured International Nurses’ Day – a celebration of the contributions and sacrifices made by nurses in the UK and around the world. Nurses’ Day is also an opportunity to raise awareness about the vital work nurses carry out on a daily basis, which is why I am delighted to be joined…

NICE Appraisal of Ruxolitinib for treating PV

Recently the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) completed their appraisal of Ruxolitinib (Jakavi) for the treatment of Polycythaemia Vera (PV).  MPN Voice contributed to the process with a written submission and we were strongly represented at the committee meeting by a PV patient who has benefitted from the treatment.  However, NICE have…

Video of the MPN Voice patients’ virtual forum, Genetics and MPNs

This online forum focussed on Genetics and MPNs. The talks were presented by: Dr Andrew McGregor, Newcastle NHS FT, Dr Jon Lambert, University College London Hospitals NHS FT and Dr Anna Godfrey, Cambridge University Hospitals, NHS FT. Programme Welcome and introduction to MPN Voice – Maz Campbell-Drew, Administrator MPN Voice Introduction to genetics – Dr…