NICE Guidance on Ruxolitinib for the treatment of Polycythaemia Vera

We are delighted to announce that NICE (the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) has recently released Final Guidance recommending Ruxolitinib for treating Polycythaemia Vera (PV) in adults in England who cannot tolerate Hydroxycarbamide (also called Hydroxyurea) or when the condition is resistant to it. Ruxolitinib is already approved, in similar cases, for the treatment of PV patients in Scotland and…

A very special interview with Dr Patrick Harrington regarding Covid vaccines and MPN patients

In this interview Dr Patrick Harrington, Consultant Haematologist, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital, talks to Nona about Covid vaccines for MPN patients, he starts off by describing the research he carried out at the start of the Covid pandemic, with Covid being a new condition it was an area that needed a lot of research,…

In Conversation With … Dr Claire Andrews, Consultant Haematologist, St Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin

In Conversation With … Dr Claire Andrews, Consultant Haematologist, St Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin, who spoke to Nona about her role as haematologist in St Vincent’s, taking up the post 2 years ago.  She told Nona that there is a large cohort of MPN patients in the hospital, with many different needs.  Claire then spoke about…

funding to support research projects

Research Funding – MPN Voice has a mission to encourage research for the benefit of MPN patients, for example, support for MOSAICC and the Mithridate study. Funding from MPN Voice is now available to support either the entirety or part of a specific research project that will benefit MPN patients.  A maximum funding of £50,000…