Colin S

Colin S – aged 67 In 2003 a routine military blood test indicated a haematocrit over 50 which led to an appointment with a haematology consultant for investigation. The initial thoughts were Haemachromatosis and I also had Rosacea. However, after a year of inconclusive analysis I visited my GP practice to ask for a second…

Charlie C

Charlie C 26 years old I have Essential Thrombocythaemia (ET), which was officially diagnosed in December 2020, one month after I presented with symptoms. Being a doctor myself has made this a very strange and surreal experience; having medical knowledge has been mostly helpful, but it has also made things difficult at times.  In November…

Brenda F

Brenda F – aged 68 My MPN was discovered through a bone marrow check, as my white cells had been increasing. I was shocked when I was first diagnosed, but I am fortunate to have the help of a great team at Guy’s hospital. In terms of the challenges of living with an MPN, I…


Alisia O – aged 60 I’m a wife and mother of two beautiful girls.  I was diagnosed in 2008 with essential thrombocythaemia. Emotions of diagnosis Apart from a number of recurrent miscarriages, up until that point I had generally been fit and healthy and it was only through trying to donate blood that my high…

video of the MPN Voice patients’ ‘virtual’ forum, London, Wed 7 Sep 2022

This online forum focussing on ET – featured talks from: Dr Anna Godfrey, Cambridge University Hospitals; Prof Mary Frances McMullin, Queen’s University Belfast, Dr Joanne Ewing, University Hospitals Birmingham, Prof Claire Harrison, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital and Faye McGillian, patient speaker. Programme Welcome from Nona Baker, co-chair MPN Voice, and Prof Claire Harrison, GSTT…