I am looking for alternatives

Get the balance right.  Combine the best of conventional medication with complementary therapies to find a plan that works for you. Many people with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are frustrated with the lack of choice and potential side effects associated with conventional treatments.  Others feel concerned about the long-term risks posed by medications. Beyond conventional treatment…

I am hoping for a cure

When you were first diagnosed your haematologist may have told you the disheartening news that “there is no cure.” It’s true that none of the current medications available can eradicate your myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) but new research is pointing the way toward better treatments and we hope one day a real cure for patients with…

Contraceptives and HRT

Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are usually diagnosed in older patients, but people who are young enough to conceive need to consider their contraceptive choices carefully, whilst women approaching menopause and offered hormone replacement therapy (HRT) also need to be informed of the potential added risks of HRT. Contraceptives – considerations/risks As with any decision concerning contraception…


Epidemiology There is little information about what causes myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs). Patients often ask, “why do I have this disease?”, and for the majority there is no obvious reason. The MOSAICC study (MyelOproliferative neoplasmS: An In-depth Case-Control) is a UK-wide study that aims to identify what causes myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) and the best way to…

What causes MPNs?

Many people with MPNs wonder what causes these blood cancers. Some researchers believe that viral infections, exposure to toxins, exposure to radiation or something else may cause myeloproliferative neoplasms by causing a change in the genetic code of the bone marrow cells. Unfortunately current research still does not offer any proof as to what causes…